Due to server problems the eTendering Portal was not accessible in the last hours prior to the expiry time. Therefore if you have an offer to submit then please send to this specially set up restricted email account: [email protected]
The expiry has been EXTENDED by 24 hours until Thursday 26 January 2017 at 18:00 CET. If you have any questions please contact the ENISA Procurement Officer via the following email: [email protected]
Service contracts - max budget of €120.000,00 (€40.000,00 for each LOT)
LOT 1: Assessing Cyber Security in Member states in the Healthcare Sector.
LOT 2: Assessing Cyber Security in Member states in the Air Transport Sector
LOT 3: Assessing Cyber Security in Member states in the Financial Market Infrastructures and Banking Sector
The scope of each separate study is to assess Cyber Security in Member states in the three sectors mentioned above. (You may bid for one, two or all three LOTS)
For each Sector, the successful contractors are expected to:
Perform stocktaking of existing guidelines/schemes in the different Member States and international standards. - Identify baseline security measures - Identify incident notification approaches - Map interdependencies to other sectors and Digital Service Providers.
This tender is also uploaded via the TED eTendering platform which publishes tenders for European Institutions and bodies. For download of documents you can use the links below or, via the following link which also connects you to the eSubmission portal which is the ONLY way to submit an offer: https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=2088